The Mary Hall Freedom House (MHFH), located in Sandy Springs, seeks to improve the quality of life of women and women with children by empowering them to break the cycle of addiction, poverty, and homelessness. The house accomplishes these goals by providing a comprehensive residential recovery program, which caters to the needs of women and women with children. The MHFH offers its residents substance abuse treatment, mental health and medical care, various types of housing, child daycare, and individual and family counseling. Since its creation in 1996 the MHFH has helped more than 3,000 women.
On Monday, January 19, 2009, (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day), MHFH founder, Lucy Hall-Gainer, was honored by the City of Sandy Springs for her accomplishments over the past 12 years. Ms. Hall-Gainer established the charitable organization in honor of her mother, Mary Hall, who died of alcoholism when Lucy was only six-years-old. Ms. Hall-Gainer has also received the Robert Wood Johnson Community Health Leadership Award, Atlanta Magazine’s Women Making a Mark award, and Working Mother Magazine’s Mom That Makes It Happen – Raising the Ruckus award.
Four members of the Ramos Law Firm (Tiffany Yamini, Adriana Sola Capifali, Lindsay Nail, and Bridget Williams) paid homage to Ms. Hall-Gainer’s accomplishments on Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday by serving MHFH residents breakfast before the honorary ceremony.