In our firm, we believe our health is the most important thing in your case.
When you are hurt on the job, the employer is required to furnish remedial medical treatment to you. Oftentimes, the employer may have a say in which doctor you get to treat to see. Before you step into the doctor’s office for your workers’ compensation doctors appointment, we believe you should do the following:
1. Summarize your injury
Be prepared to tell your doctor what you do for a living, your job duties, how you got hurt on the job, and the dates the injury occurred. In fact, we recommend that you physically write down a summary of what happened and list all the body parts you injured when you are hurt on the job. This way, you will not be struggling to recall any details about your injuries, and you will minimize any nervousness he may have when the doctor evaluates you.
2. Know your medical history
Invariably, the doctor will ask if you have ever injured yourself in the past. It is important to be a good historian as to any physical conditions or ailments you may have had prior to your work-related accident. It is best to be completely upfront and honest with your prior conditions but you must inform the doctor about how any of the prior conditions may have worsened as a result of your current work injury.
3. Take notes
As the doctors are busy, they will be prone to speaking quickly or using terminology that you might not be familiar with. Therefore, bring something to write on so that you can take adequate notes as to what the doctor said and what his treatment plan will be. Also, bring a family member or a trusted friend with you so that he or she might be able to take notes for you.
4. Keep records
When you leave the doctor’s office, they will likely give you a “discharge” note, a “worklink” report, or some other records for your file. They may also give you a “prescription” to take to a pharmacy so you can receive medication. It is very important that you keep copies of all of these documents and share them with our office. This information is very important in maintaining the continuity of your care and case.
5. Keep a calendar
Visiting the doctor’s office will often result in more appointments with other medical facilities. We recommend that you keep a detailed calendar to keep up with these medical appointments. You will likely have physical therapy appointments, diagnostic scans to complete, and follow-up appointments with the same doctor. This calendar will be helpful so you do not forget to keep the appointments, but also it will be helpful for when you seek mileage reimbursement from the insurance carrier.
These visits to the doctor are very important to your Worker’s Compensation case. In fact, what the doctor says may determine whether you can continue to seek treatment and if you are entitled to income benefits. Therefore, it is very important that you are prepared to see the treating doctor and make the most out of your appointment.
If you have any questions regarding your worker’s compensation case, feel free to call Ramos & Law for your free consultation.