Coca-Cola (commonly known as “Coke”) is one of the world’s largest beverage companies. It is headquartered in Atlanta, GA and has several hundred employees. As such, Coke employees are generally covered under the Workers’ Compensation Act. Over the years, our firm has had the privilege of representing Coke employees and helping them secure their weekly income and medical benefits. In our experience, workers at Coke suffer injuries similar to that of other factory employees. These workers suffer shoulder injuries from repetitive jobs such as mixing formula; knee injuries from loading product; or back pain from general warehouse jobs.
According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, over 9% of every 100 soft drink manufacturing employees reported a work accident in 2009. These injured workers require medical treatment and in some instances miss time for work because of the work accident. Sometimes, the employees will miss several weeks or months of work time. Unfortunately, these injured workers may also lose their jobs because of the work accident.
In these situations, it is important to be informed about any rights you may have under the Workers’ Compensation Act. As you can imagine, Coke employs a “workers’ compensation” group specifically dedicated to protecting Coke’s interest. While Coke is a great company, you should be aware that its workers’ compensation group is not necessarily looking out for your best interests.
It is important that you have your own workers’ compensation advocate looking out for you and your family. Call the Ramos Law Firm today for a free consultation, 404-355-3431.