On October 10, 2009, Bryan Ramos, the managing attorney at the Ramos Law Firm, represented the Filipino community to celebrate the 140th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Ghandi. The event was held that the Martin Luther King Center in downtown Atlanta. The event consisted of a prayer service for the typhoon victims of southern Asia, the Philippines, and Indonesia as well as a ceremony commemorating Ghandi’s influence on the non-violent movement in America and around the world.
Bryan Ramos delivered a speech regarding the severe damage sustained by the Philippine Islands in recent weeks due to the typhoons. Furthermore, Mr. Ramos updated the audience as to the local and national relief efforts, as well as those employed by the United Nations.
Other notable speakers included the Honorable Sanjiv Arora, the Consulate General of India from Houston, Texas, Isaac Farris, the CEO of the King Center, and Subash Razdan, the Chairman of the Ghandi Foundation of USA.
For more information, please contact Ramos & Law.